In order to assure the future of rare disease research, training the next generation of early-stage investigators is key. Our consortium offers both fellowship and grant funding opportunities.
BVMC YR15 Pilot Project
Opportunity Type: Pilot Grants and Other Requests for Applications
Goal: The NIH-funded Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium (BVMC, U54 NS065705) is soliciting proposals for a one-year pilot project proposal. Proposals should focus on the following rare diseases and/or related outcomes in cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM), Sturge Weber syndrome (SWS), or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).
Eligibility Criteria: Proposals will be reviewed by the BVMC Executive Steering Committee and selected for funding based on the following criteria: clinical research potential in rare diseases, potential to enhance clinical trial readiness for any of the three BVMC diseases; thematic relationship to the aims and scope of the BVMC; scientific quality of the proposal; leverage existing BVMC (and RDCRN) resources and infrastructure, especially patient registries/databases; feasibility in projected time frame; ability to support promising junior investigators; ability to seed new collaborations that might lead to novel research concepts or therapeutic approaches; and ability to seed new collaborations that might lead to new grant proposals.
Opportunity Type: Education and Career Development
Goal: The NIH-funded Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium (BVMC, U54 NS065705) is soliciting applications to support clinical/translational investigators who focus on the study of rare neurovascular diseases, including: cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM), Sturge Weber syndrome (SWS), or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT).
Eligibility Criteria: We are seeking to support advanced post-doctoral or clinical fellows, junior faculty, or established investigators who wish to develop or refocus their careers on clinical research in rare diseases. Under exceptional circumstances, we will consider applications from medical and graduate students proposing year-long projects. BVMC scholars should choose a mentor and research project aligned with one or more of the three BVMC Projects at cooperating institutions. There is wide breadth and depth of expertise spread across the BVMC that provides a rich research and mentoring environment.